At BixFord Digital, we work with small businesses, non-profits, and research institutions to help others thrive in the digital world. We specialize in wholistic solutions to fit your needs, whether thats fixing up an old website, developing new workflows to automate your organization, or integrating data sources for experimental design. BixFord Digital provides seasoned technologists at accessible prices to the institutions that need us most.

Collaboration and Communication

You are at the heart of our business. We center every project around the customer, involving continued input and support from you to keep us honest. Frequent iteration and deliveries to our primary stakeholder, you, ensure you get the product you need when you need it.

Objective-based Outcomes

Our priorities are your priorities. BixFord Digital uses an outcome-based approach where you only pay for features delivered and business value gained. This means we're on the same team: providing a quality return on your investment.

Modern Technologies

Solutions that last. We pride ourselves on delivering websites that do more than look nice, your website can and should be a valuable asset to your business. Using the most up-to-date and widely supported systems and strategies we provide cutting-edge and future-proof technology for our clients.

Custom Solutions, Continued Support

Promises made, promises kept. Every product we make for you is tailor-made for your business and use case. This ensures bottom-up alignment to your needs and prevents "gold-plating" for useless features. We're ready to deploy, support, and adapt your solution through your continuing business needs!

Contact Us

Start the conversation with what your current solution is, what it gets right, and what ideas you have about improving it. We want to help design a solution that aims to simplify how you interact with your tools.

  • Web Development
  • Visual Media
  • Data Integration
  • Business Collaboration Suite
  • Application Development
  • Research Tooling
  • Consulting
  • Social Media